سعر لا يصدق لفستان أحلام فى حملتها الخاصة بعطرها

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قامت النجمة الإماراتية «أحلام» متابعيها عبر حسابها الشخصي على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي إنستجرام، ببوسترات حملتها الدعائية الخاصة بعطر جديد يحمل أسمها من دار الطبيب للعطور.
وتألقت «أحلام » خلال هذه الحملة بفستان أنيق من دارmaisonvalentino، وجمع التصميم بين اللون الأسود والذهبي، كما اتسم بحزام أسود حول منطقة الخصر، وبلغت قيمة الفستان 9200 دولار أمريكي، أى ما يقرب من 165.600 جنيه مصري.
أما من الناحية الجمالية فقد ظهرت «أحلام »بشعر قصير ووضعت مكياجًا ارتكز على الألوان الترابية المتناسقة مع لون إطلالتها، وأكملت إطلالتها ببعض المجوهرات الفخمة.
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@rojaparfums ? Roja is renowned for his passion for scent which is grounded in memories of love, and a love for discovering the sensuality of the world in new and surprising ways. From childhood, the experience of perfume would transport Roja from the temporal to the fantastic – a place of perfection and dreams that could instantly be rekindled through scent. To this day, it is this artistic magic that inspires Roja to create perfumes that surprise and astonish, perfumes that encapsulate this exciting time in his life – perfumes that are, the finest fragrances in the world. “ I have always said that I have lived the life I was born to lead. At some specific long lost moment a fragrant molecule entered my being and I was forever changed, my destiny was forged, it’s path galvanised. There was no other path to tread than that of perfumery, and along its colourful brick-road I have encountered the work of mighty geniuses who allow their creativity to become part of our core, our being, our ‘id’ – as it stops us dead in our tracks, brings tears to our eyes or smiles to our faces. How can anyone not love perfumery? ” Roja Dove Roja Dove’s name is synonymous with luxury. The international success of Roja Parfums, since its launch in 2011, combined with his relentless drive for originality and perfection in perfumery, led to him being honoured as an Ambassador for the GREAT Britain Campaign – one of the proudest moments of his life. #ROJA #London #love الان وحصرياً في بوتيكي ??????????????????????